Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Smarthinking Writing Tutor is Your Help to Write Your Best Assignment

A Smarthinking Writing Tutor is Your Help to Write Your Best AssignmentA Smarthinking Writing Tutor is a sort of helper to help you practice your writing skills. You can easily find them in a number of books and sites that provide these services to help you improve the quality of your work. There are several people who use it for writing various skills such as articles, and some even use it to write books and have their share in the world.A Smarthinking Writing Tutor is quite simple to use. First you will be asked to select the kind of writing you want to do. You need to provide your choice as it is not mandatory for you to select a particular skill that you want to do.Then, you will have to make a basic choice that is based on the kind of writing you want to do. So choose one based on the field of writing you have a passion for and does not require too much amount of learning, then that should be your choice. Once you have decided you can then go ahead and click the first option pro vided to you.Once you have clicked the first option, you will be given an option of reading the guide of the tutoring. This is a very helpful technique as it provides you good reminders of how to complete your assignment. Then you have to fill in the request form to make the tutor aware of your requirements. He or she will discuss with you to determine the necessary practice sessions for you.After the initial steps you will be able to see your progress clearly. You will also be given a list of possible problems that you can address and select the ones you want to be dealt with. At that point, the tutor will hand you a copy of the lessons guide. You should ensure that you follow all instructions in the guide or else there is a risk of an error being committed in your work.So, in summary, the tutor helps you learn how to write and lets you understand the features and the methods that will be very helpful to you in writing an assignment. This is what many think is the most important fa ctor, as it gives a clear picture about how you should handle any given situation.So, if you wish to become a writer, but do not have the capacity to write on your own, you may consider using a Smarthinking Writing Tutor to guide you. The technique will be easy to use and you will be able to concentrate on your writing.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Memorable teach abroad moments from the UAE!

Memorable teach abroad moments from the UAE! We recently asked our teachers who are currently teaching abroad: “What’s your most memorable teach abroad moment?” With the recent interest of our Middle East teaching positions - particularly those in the UAE - we’ve decided to share our favourite stories from teachers currently teaching there! Donald, from Georgia, teaching in the UAE “The most memorable experience for me was the first day I walked in the class and was greeted by the students. Right then my fire for teaching was burning brighter again and it truly felt like I earned another chance to make a huge positive impact on children learning. Teaching abroad has changed my family’s life and has changed my outlook on life.” Raina, from Texas, teaching in the UAE “My most memorable experience teaching abroad so far is making life-long friends from around the world! I have come to realize that no matter where you are from, many of us are like-minded individuals that immediately form connections through this experience. My friends, even though I have not known them long, are my family. When you change your life with amongst a group of strangers doing the same as yourself, you tend to stick together no matter the differences. I absolutely love learning about everyone's various cultures, languages, and countries.” LaShari, from North Carolina, teaching in the UAE “I live and work 3 hours outside of the city of Abu Dhabi in a very small traditional desert community. The most memorable moment so far: one day I was leaving work and camels came running down the road while I was driving! Camels roam free so drivers must be careful.” Interested in teaching in the UAE? We’re currently hiring 1000 English teachers. If you have a Bachelor’s degree, teaching experience, and a ESL certificate and/or teaching license, you could qualify. Learn more about UAE English positions

4 Tips to Get a Study Abroad Experience at Home

4 Tips to Get a Study Abroad Experience at Home Tips From an Irvine College Consultant: 4 Tips to Get a Study Abroad Experience at Home Many students would like to study abroad but simply dont have the opportunity for one reason or another. Students who would like to become global citizens can mimic the study abroad experience to some degree without actually spending a semester in another country. Here are four tips from a private Irvine college consultant to get a study abroad experience at home. 1. Join an international club or society Students who are new to college can join the International Students Club or other multicultural society on campus. One of the greatest things about visiting another country is meeting the local people. Although it is good to learn about new people in their home environment, students who join an international club will get to meet new friends and classmates from all over the world. These friendships can be just as valuable as if they were made in another country (READ: 4 Things Study Abroad Students Dont Expect to Find in America). 2. Visit an urban area near campus Although many students do not have the opportunity to travel abroad, they will likely have the opportunity to travel to a major city within the US. In some ways, and when done right, this experience can mimic a small portion of the study abroad experience. For instance, cities such as San Francisco, Chicago, and New York all have vibrant and diverse cultural communities. Students who are able to travel to these types of cities on vacation can sample the foods, cultures, and living experiences of people throughout the world. This is one of the reasons why living in the melting pot of the US is so advantageous. 3. Study art or art history Students who take a class in art or art history will learn about artistic and cultural expression from all over the globe. Students can generally choose from Western art or Eastern art and will have the opportunity to view the history of other cultures through the eyes of their artists and musicians. Art history students are also encouraged to visit a local art museum with an international collection to get some insight into other cultures (CLICK: Best Art Museums in Orange County). 4. Choose a university that boasts an international student community Many major public universities will make a huge effort to have a diverse and international student population living and studying on campus. US-based students who would like to have a multicultural experience, but who are not able to study in another country, are advised to do research about the percentage of international students on campus at the colleges they are intending to apply. Students at such universities are bound to run into a diverse group of people and engage in a multicultural education (READ: How Should I Start My College Entrance Essays?). In short Although the study abroad experience isnt for everybody, (it’s a big step and is also quite expensive) there are several ways that students can stay at home in the US but still begin to become global citizens. Learning about different cultures, backgrounds, and languages is a great first step to becoming a well-rounded and educated adult. It is also a wonderful way to learn to communicate effectively and enjoy the company of different types of people once in the work place. The US is such a diverse melting pot where students can enjoy an excellent international experience right here at home. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Your Lack Of Sleep Might Also Be The Cause Of Your Weight Gain

Why Your Lack Of Sleep Might Also Be The Cause Of Your Weight Gain image via Pixabay A recent experiment that focused on the question of over-eating revealed the neurological impulses (triggered by lack of sleep) that compel people to snack more during the day. The reason for this phenomenon? After a poor night’s sleep, junk food becomes far more appealing due to the marijuana-like chemicals already present in the brain, whether you’re a smoker or not. This chemical, scientifically known as endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), resembles the same chemicals found in cannabis, but is naturally created by the brain. The chemical affects pain, pleasure and, no surprise here, appetite. As reported in the journal, “Sleep,” when test subjects were deprived of sleep, their 2-AG levels stayed higher, longer, and they consequently snacked on unhealthy foods. To put it simply: people find junk food harder to resist at this stage. The study was fairly small, but intensive, as there were 14 participants (all in their 20’s) who agreed to stay at the University of Chicago’s sleep center for four days. These subjects stayed in light and sound controlled rooms and had meals that were measured and prepared by the researchers so that everything that was eaten could be properly recorded. These subjects underwent strict sleep schedules, some allowed to sleep eight and a half hours and others only allowed to sleep four and a half. Researchers also took blood samples and chose what and when the volunteers could eat. For four nights, no one could eat until 3 p.m., at which point they were allowed to eat their fill of their favorite foods. Another meal was served at 7:30 p.m. According to the research, everyone overate at the 3 p.m. meal (an average of 2,000 calories taken in during this sitting). However, at the 7:30 meal time, those that got more sleep only ate an average of 600 more calories, while those awakened every day at 5:30 a.m. (which cut their sleep time in half) ate another 1,000 calories at that time. Typically, blood levels of 2-AG are low overnight and rise slowly and peak in the early afternoon. In the sleep-deprived test subjects, these 2-AG levels rose higher and remained higher throughout the evening. According to Erin Hanlon, a research associate in endocrinology at the University of Chicago that helped to lead the study, “We know sleep restriction inhibits cognitive performance. It inhibits impulsivity. You are more driven to overeat.” This relationship between poor sleep and overeating is of course far more complicated than it may seem after this study, as it probably lies in several other biological compounds as well, but it’s nevertheless there, and it’s something that needs to be taken more seriously. According to NBC, “Two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. And the CDC says more than a third of Americans are not getting enough sleep. Obesity and a lack of sleep both raise the odds of heart disease and other health problems and a lack of sleep is clearly linked with obesity.” So what’s the next step? See where the 2-AG is getting overproduced. “I’d love to be able to figure out where the endocannabinoids are coming from. We know that it is made in the brain,” but Hanlon also said it may be made in the stomach or fat cells. According to Hanlon, “We are hoping to bring awareness to the fact that individuals need to think of adequate sleep and a good sleep routine as important aspects of maintaining good health. People need to stop invoking the old adage of I’ll sleep when I am dead.” However, this idea may be much harder to implement than meets the eye. Studies continuously show that artificial lights in computer and television screens are capable of causing insomnia and so can the overuse of social media and as college students, it’s safe to say those three components compose the entirety (or at least a majority) of our day. Also, the CDC says that there isn’t any real, proven sleep aid. So those 9 million Americans that claim to take sleeping pills may not be seeing any benefits. So get some sleep tonight your health may just depend on it.

Get the Most Out of Reading and Speaking With Cheap English Learning Books

Get the Most Out of Reading and Speaking With Cheap English Learning BooksThe demand for English learning books has increased dramatically in the past years as people seek to learn the language and gain an understanding of the country's culture. You can learn a lot more about the culture and the history of the UK by reading English-language textbooks that are available online or in printed form. As such, the availability of cheap English learning books is one way to maximise your time in getting to know the language and its intricacies.English learning books available in print and online include traditional and modern-day forms of the language. One of the best ways to enhance your knowledge about the language is to acquire some grammar tips, particularly in the use of the words and their tenses. This will enable you to better understand how to communicate better with friends, family members and colleagues in the future.To learn English with ease, you will also need to know all the co mmonly used English expressions and learn how to use them properly. These are some of the vocabulary essentials that will make you comfortable in talking with friends. Not all phrases can be translated into English since some may appear awkward in the dialect of your native tongue. Fortunately, there are many learning books available online or in the bookstores that offer these phrases for free download.An online study of the language is not for everyone. It can be intimidating to start studying for a course or a test because the requirement for completion may be too high. An effective method of acquiring the fundamentals of the language can help you avoid this situation. You may want to start by taking some simple test, for example taking the test to recognize the letters of the alphabet or a short sentence that explains the basic language rules.As you have acquired a few basic communication skills, you can go on to take more advanced courses in the area of writing, reading and voc abulary. You may think that an online English-learning textbook could never replace the actual teacher, but this is absolutely wrong. Online tutors are able to take the role of a teacher and provide you with extra attention on things that will help you learn the language quicker.You will be provided with regular lessons so that you will be able to learn and speak the language in the fastest possible time. This is one of the advantages of online learning because you can complete your course from anywhere and at any time.An online learning course should give you all the materials necessary for you to begin learning the language and the basics of conversational English quickly. If you want to learn the language without spending too much money, you can download English learning books in PDF format or other formats that can be easily printed. Your progress will depend on your dedication to learning.

Learning How to Do Algebra, Math, and Business

Learning How to Do Algebra, Math, and BusinessLeisure to be able to learn the Algebra, Mathematics, and Business, there are plenty of online resources to help you learn, with different teaching tools to help you get through the course. You may be experiencing a financial setback right now because you have lost your job or a divorce has taken place and you need to find some good job training courses for students who are searching for good job training. However, what is the best way to start your search for the best courses available?The first thing you should do is to find out if you have any photographs of your curriculum vitae. This is very important because it will give you an idea of how you look and what you have accomplished in the past. Remember that the degree you get from the course should reflect your expertise. If you have no photographs, then you should really start thinking about what career options you have available and you should make sure that you include them.The nex t thing you should think about is if you will need some classroom instruction to get you started on the learning process. You could enroll in a training course in which you will be taught in a room full of students. This is not necessarily the best option because most of the time, the teachers are very busy and it might take a long time to set things up properly. So be sure that you choose the best one that can help you get to the point where you can do the exercises and the tests.If you are still a little unclear about the format and the types of things that you could learn, consider going to many seminars and classes that you can attend. The best thing about these courses is that they can be done at your own pace and you can prepare yourself for the classes. It is important to keep in mind that there are a lot of resources available for people who are looking for an easy way to learn and an easy method to develop their skills.In the end, you should go with the course that offers y ou the most and this might differ from person to person but generally speaking, the basic skills to advance to a higher level of business will help you gain a bigger role in the industry. The courses should have step by step instructions and the teachers should be able to support you with their knowledge.Before choosing a course, you should also check whether you are capable of doing the exercises. If you do not know the exercises, the class might prove to be a waste of time and money. What you should be aiming for is the course that teaches you the basics, such as multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, and solving quadratic equations.Finally, the best place to get Algebra, Math, and Business, is from an Algebra, Math, and Business trainer. These trainers can provide you with all the knowledge you need and will make sure that you graduate from your training and will continue your learning in the right direction.

Losing Confidence in Mathematics. Go For Live Math Tutors

Losing Confidence in Mathematics. Go For Live Math Tutors 0SHARESShare Math Homework, Exams! Do you want to run away when faced with Algebra, Equations, Graphs, Geometry and Trigonometry? Identify how Online Tutoring works to maximize your possibility of getting helpful results. Math is often being neglected and feared by most students. Online Math Tutoring program filters the skills and visualizes mathematical theories with greater understanding. The program is designed to offer animated lessons and worksheets to teach math in the conventional way. Tutorials take care of childrens interest while parting out the fear of calculations.  The mentors at times use short videos to make the subject more exciting. The process guides students ranging between k-12 and hence need to use different advanced tools as applicable for each age group. For kindergarten and mid â€"school students’ lessons are taught in the form of interactive animations. Live chat with Online Math experts, getting instant help in resolving problems guarantees the most effective and enjoyable form of learning. [starbox id=admin]